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Traveling, adventure, and wanderlust are in my genetics. I know what you are thinking, but truly, they are! At least, according to my 23andme results. My genotype of the SNP rs1800955 tells us that I am more prone to “novelty seeking”. For me, that need for dopamine gets funneled into finding new experiences, usually by way of travel. It is simply in my DNA, after all.

I intend to use this blog as a personal travel diary, of sorts. I want to make a record of my expeditions including the good, the bad, and the ugly. During these times of COVID-19 and Quarantine, I’ve been working on exploring local hiking and camping spots close to Northern Texas. It is somewhat difficult to find information about this area online, as this part of the country is not usually what comes to mind when someone ponders “The Great Outdoors”. I will cover some of my favorite hikes and trips from when I lived in Oregon and Colorado. I also intend to use some of my quarantine free time to backtrack and cover adventures from when international travel was possible, from the Cliffs of Moher to a few sections of the Great Wall of China; and that one unfortunate time I had to bus/ferry through France-England-Ireland due to a missed flight.

I also hope that through this blog, I can provide reviews on gear that I’ve acquired over the years and new gear that I am trying out. Purchasing gear is like adopting a new member into your adventure family, a decision I never take lightly. As such, I have spent countless hours on trip blogs and gear review sites, and I hope this blog can serve as my way of contributing back to the online “Tramily”.

So here it is, my first official post. Welcome to my blog, and happy trails!

You can find my lighterpack account HERE.

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